#FavoredFr​iday Vendor Spotlight: Tunji Sarumi Photograph​y — DC Wedding Planner | Favored by Yodit Events & Design

#FavoredFr​iday Vendor Spotlight: Tunji Sarumi Photograph​y

TS3 "We all see the world differently, and I believe my talent for telling stories through photography is a gift from God. I am neither especially clever, nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious. I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination during some of life’s most important moments." - Tunji Sarumi

Tunji Sarumi is an extremely talented photographer based out of Baltimore, MD. His work is timeless, capturing moments during the wedding in a very artistic but natural way. Check out a few of his pictures that I absolutely loved below.


To see more of his amazing work and for contact information, check out his website http://tunjistudio.com/