New Year, New Resolutions! — DC Wedding Planner | Favored by Yodit Events & Design

New Year, New Resolutions!

New Years 2014 Props Since there is only one more day until New Years Eve...Get a head start & make a list of your resolutions that you want to set in 2014! Whether your getting ready to host your own new years eve party or attending someone else's make sure to take time to reflect on the good, the bad and things you want to improve from this year! Here are some of mine

In 2014 I resolve to:

1. Spend more time with my loved ones! Life is short and 2013 was a big year for me & Favored by Yodit Events! I found myself spending more time on my computer and the phone doing work than time for my family & friends.

2. Be healthy! No explanation needed for this one. Its always good to exercise more and eat healthy.

3. Take a little me time every day! Whether its 30 mins of meditation, a facial or a mask at home, or do a little shopping just to give myself some love :)

Share some of your new year resolutions in our comments section!