
Favored Friday Vendor Spotlight: Tickled Photo Booth Company

Tickled Photo Booth

What includes lots of love and pretty photos and just in time for Valentine's Day? A great photo booth company called Tickled Photo Booth Company!  

When thinking about something nice to add to your special event or wedding, photo booths are a great way to let your guests have fun and take a nice keepsake. Since its February and everyone is celebrating LOVE, Tickled Photo Booth Company is offering $100 OFF FEBRUARY BOOKINGS When you reserve your date during the month of February.
From engagement parties to weddings, Tickled Photo Booth Company provides a modern rendition of the photo booth, with quality pictures and long-lasting fun. Keep them in mind this year as you plan your special occasion and let them know you Favored by Yodit Events sent you.
Check out their latest photo booth gallery here. 

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