In case you didn't know today is World Water Day! Cheers *grabs water bottle*! Did you know that more people die from dirty water and poor sanitation than all forms of violence including war? Crazy right!
Fortunately, there are organizations like Charity Water than make it thier mission to "bring clean, safe drinking water to people in developing countries". You can do your part in assisting with this great organization by visiting http://www.charitywater.org/.
While you are rallying the troops to assist, have you ever considered having a Water Wedding? I didn't even know these existed, but a few minutes on pinterest and that all changed. Couples are getting very creative when it comes to giving thier nuptials or taking engagment and wedding photos. I love it when couples make thier pictures solely about thier personalities and do something out of the box. See some Water Wedding Inspiration below:

Would you ever consider doing a water wedding or taking your wedding photos under water? I think these pictures are beautiful but im not sure I would have the courage. Kudos to the adventerous couples out there!
Source: http://www.charitywater.org/.
**All photos are from pinterest**