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You're Invited: NBMBAA-DC 2013 Pre-Confer​ence Career Expo Panelist Discussion


Want to achieve goals faster? Do you wish for more coaching and feedback but don’t get it in your work environment? Do you want to learn to better integrate work and life? Do you wish you could tap into others who have complementary skill sets to you for advice? A personal board of directors may be just what each of us needs stay on track with our goals.

A personal board of directors is comprised of the people in your life who support your vision and to whom you turn when you want honest and trustworthy advice and/or when you are looking for help in figuring out solutions to your challenges. The concept comes from the business and non-profit world where an organization is legally required to have a board of directors to provide guidance and strategic input for optimal functioning of the organization.

This panel will discuss tips and strategies for selecting and building your Personal Board of Directors. The selected panelists have personally created their own Personal Board of Directors and are embraced by individuals who support them and offer professional business and career advice.

Event/Location Information:

NBMBAA-DC 2013 Pre-Conference Career Expo

Embassy Suites - DC Convention Center

900 10th Street NW

Washington, DC 20001

Register Here:

Favored Owner Yodit Gebreyes will be presenting! Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity!!