engagement ring

How long did you date before the question was popped?

S67_1178 Statistics show that the average couple will get married after about 2.5 years of dating. While that may be true, the good folks at Bride Box want to know why 2.5 years is the magic number for brides and grooms. We have a hunch that age and location do play a contributing factor to why couples get married around 2.5 years of dating, but we would like to do a little digging.

Bride Box is conducting this survey to answer the following questions:

1: How long does the average couple date before they get married?

2: Do couples in different geographical locations tend to date more or less than others?

3: At what age were they proposed to?

With this information, they will create a blog post and infograph to inform brides and grooms. For answering this survey, you will be the first to know the answers to the stated question.

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