nova wedding planner

DC Wedding Trends: Cherry Blossoms

cherry blossoms

Today, March 27th marks the 101 anniversary of our beautiful DC Cherry Blossoms! In 1912 Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo City gifted the trees to celebrate the friendship between the United States and Japan. Now the trees have become a staple in DC culture and are celebrated yearly with the National Cherry Blossom Festival.

When the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom they make a perfect backdrop for engagement photos and weddings. Many natives and lovers of the Nations Capital are taking advantage of this trend by adding the flowers in many different creative ways. Unsure how you can add the flowers to your wedding or event?

cherry blossoms

Add the Cherry Blooms to your stationary, on the alter, or on the tables as centerpieces!

cherry blossoms

Not sure where to take your wedding photos? How about right under the cherry blossoms! The are perfect and add a nice subtle touch.


Add Cherry Blossoms to your cake to tie everything in! The perfect ending to a DC Wedding.