wedding cakes

Worst Wedding Cakes

badcake Typically when you go to the wedding, the cake is a huge part of the reception. Now only for a tasty treat, but also to add to the decor. Brides and Grooms spend a lot of time and money to pick the perfect cake for them. I have seen some not so pretty cakes in my time, but NONE compare to the cakes in this list put together by Check out a few of the worst of the worst after the break.

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 This cake would be perfect at a Holloween Party, at a wedding it's just creepy!


Did Neiman Marcus, Chanel, Blackberry or Christain Louboutin pay for the wedding? If not, dont do it! lol This would be more appropriate at a bridal shower, if done correctly.


I feel like Momma Dee would get this cake for Lil Scrappy's wedding lol. This is so ghetto and gross. If that money is real, bills carry a lot of bacteria and now its on my cake slice?! No thanks...but I will take a few dollars so I can get some real dessert somewhere else! lol

To see the full gallery of bad cakes click here!