#BridetoBr​ide Blog Post Series — DC Wedding Planner | Favored by Yodit Events & Design

#BridetoBr​ide Blog Post Series

advice-from-the-married-side It's one of the happiest moments of your life. The love of your life has proposed to you and now you get to plan the wedding of your dreams. You are excited to pick out your wedding colors, find the perfect dress, choose your bridesmaids, etc but maybe you are a little overwhelmed by everything. It is nice to get advice from your friends and family, but sometimes you need advice from someone who doesn't know you and has an unbiased opinion. Favored will now feature a series called #BridetoBride. Advice from real brides to future brides. Check out our very first post from T. Bremby.

Dear Brides to Be,

Here are....Things I've learned about planning a wedding:

By T. Bremby

- THE WEDDING IS NOT FOR YOU... It's for your family and friends... The sooner you learn that the less stressed you'll be...

- ALWAYS INCLUDE YOUR IN-LAWS... It helps set the tone you want for your new family... and I want two family to become one...

- DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF- at the end of the day the only thing that can really go wrong is if the groom or the bride doesn't show up...

- ENJOY EVERY MOMENT- God willing this will only happen once... make memories to tell your children in the process...

- BE APPRECIATIVE- people are spending time and money to be apart of your special day... no matter how big or small the gesture, make sure you show your gratitude for the people that are assisting you to make your day special.

So brides-to-be... Enjoy these last moments of this chapter in your life... bask in each moment... no matter how scary or under certain they may feel... Find comfort in your true friendships, and the positive marriages in your life... only gravitate to people who speak life into your future... and always refer to 1 Corinthians 13:4–8... " Love never fails."

 If you are a bride and would like to submit to our #BridetoBride series, email us at carol@favoredbyyodit.com!