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Calling All Grooms! Tips for After You Say I Do.

So you just got married! Your wedding (planned by Favored by Yodit Events of course) is over. Cake tastings, tuxedo fittings and table settings are a thing of the past. Its now time to start your new life with your new wife! Here are some tips on how to insure a smooth transition into married life. Always remember boys, happy wife, happy life!

 “Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation.” — Oscar Wilde (poet)

What You Say

What You Say

  1. Build a foundation of trust. Agree that if either of you ever say “do you promise” after a questions is asked that nothing but the truth will follow… no matter how tough the question is. You both need to agree that it’s okay to share even the hardest things with each other.
  2. Know the power of your words. The way you phrase things to her can make all the difference. Try to focus on the positive aspects of a difficult situation, and build from there.
  3. Make communication a conversation. Don’t just dump information on her. Be sure to provide opportunities for her to ask questions (ex. One of my co-workers mentioned something really interesting to me today…)
  4. Don’t talk like you’re placing an order. Phrase your communication in a way that not only tells her what you want, but does it in a way that also asks for her permission.
  5. Discuss the importance of time with friends. It’s healthy to have some relationships and activities that are not shared. Spending time with other people and doing other things helps you appreciate the time you do spend together.
  6. Share why you need some alone time. Make it VERY clear that you’re not making excuses to spend time apart from her. Before scheduling this kind of time, have a conversation about how important it is for both of you to have this, and the best way to ask for it.
  7. Never lie to avoid a fight. Doing this will just make you distant, and potentially create a future disagreement that gets blown way out of proportion due to unresolved feelings.
  8. Don’t just apologize after an argument. Instead of feeling good about being the bigger person just because you were the first one to say “I’m sorry”, try asking her why she was frustrated. Knowing this should help to alleviate everything instead of just sweeping it under the rug.
  9. Ask really good questions. Don’t just limit it to work, but include questions about what’s been on her mind. Make time for this every day.
  10. Discuss how to handle working with opposite sex co-workers. This includes working late hours, traveling or even working over lunch. These are all very common, so let your wife know when these activities will be happening. Also, talk about the steps you plan to take in order to keep it “strictly business”. This will build a lot of trust in the relationship.
  11. Share all your mistakes with her, and genuinely ask for forgiveness. This shows her that you can recognize and openly admit your faults, which will enable your relationship to continue in a positive direction.
  12. Establish your married relationship as a “new” family. Talk over the details together, and communicate your feelings right away with each of your parents. This will help establish necessary boundaries with them, and show how serious you are about making your relationship a top priority.
  13. Share what you’re in charge of managing. Be sure to share what you feel needs to be done to effectively manage each task, as well as including her when any major decisions need to be made.
  14. Talk each night. Each of you should take the time to share your day, what’s on your mind (especially the intimate details) and include some talk about a fun activity you will be doing together in the future. Try to do this when you first get home, or on a walk after dinner. It’s really important to reconnect this way.
  15. Maintain a healthy level of interest. If the interest level of the listener is fading, it’s probably because they don’t know the point of the conversation. If you both try to share the main point of your story first (then offer the supporting details), it should increase the listener’s level of interest.

What You Do

  1. Don’t be a coach or umpire; be her fan. Life is the big game, and being in the position to root her on will score you the biggest points. This will build her confidence, and at the same time put you in her cheering section and not the one calling the game (you know how people in those positions can make you mad).
  2. Just listen. Generally, she just wants someone to listen. If she does want advice, she’ll ask for it. By waiting for her to ask, your response will more than likely be appreciated. Just be sure to ask enough questions, so that you fully understand the situation before sharing your thoughts.
  3. Plan activities that build your friendship. The more interactive activities you do together, the more you’ll have to talk about.
  4. Hug your wife at least three times a day. While you do this, tell her how much you love her and how wonderful or beautiful she is. This should increase her emotional connection and deepen her level of trust with you.
  5. Make sure the timing is right. Certain times of day are going to be better for communication. If she’s not a morning person, let her initiate the conversation. If it’s an emotional topic, she may just need some time before she’s ready to open up.
  6. Focus on the issue during a fight. Don’t attack each other’s character. Instead, focus on the problem when venting your frustration. Try to see the other person’s point of view, and work from there to resolve everything.
  7. Agree that it’s okay to disagree. Acknowledging where she’s coming from doesn’t mean you agree with her. Just respect any differences you many have.
  8. Pick the right environment for an emotional conversation. If she’s comfortable, not threatened and in a private place… then the chance of your conversation going well drastically improves.
  9. Develop a plan for reconnecting. It’s hard to figure out what to do when you’re already feeling distant, so already having a plan in place will make it a lot easier to get close again.
  10. Be silly with each other. We all need to stay pretty serious at work, so it’s important to relax in this way with her.
  11. Pray for one another, as a couple, every day. Whether it’s part of your faith or not, this simple act will help you dedicate some time to really focusing your minds on each other – strengthening your marital bond.


What is Your Love Language?

LL Being in a relationship is fun, exciting and full of new experiences, but it also takes time, commitment and compromise to make it work. One of the main reasons relationships fail is because of communication problems. Often we hear about ways to better communicate verbally but not as often do we hear about ways to improve our emotional communication. One activity that I always find helpful in this area is discovering your Love Language.

There are 5 Love Languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. Everyone receives and gives love in one of the following areas. Knowing you and your partner’s love language will help the both of your connect better emotionally and understand each other’s needs.

Words of Affirmation: If your spouse's primary love language is words of affirmation, your spoken praise and appreciation will fall like rain on parched soil. Before long, you will see new life sprouting in your marriage as your spouse responds to your words of love.

Acts of Service: Do you remember the old saying, "Actions speak louder than words"? For some people, that is particularly true of love. If acts of service is your spouse's primary love language, nothing will speak more deeply to him or her emotionally than simple acts of service.

Receiving Gifts: In every society throughout human history, gift giving has been perceived as an expression of love. Giving gifts is universal, because there is something inside the human psyche that says if you love someone, you will give to him or her. The gifts need not be expensive or elaborate; it's the thought that counts. Even something as simple as a homemade card or a few cheerful flowers will communicate your love to your spouse. Little things mean a lot to a person whose primary love language is receiving gifts.

Quality Time: If your spouse's love language is quality time, giving him or her your undivided attention is one of the best ways you can show your love. Some men pride themselves on being able to watch television, read a magazine, and listen to their wives, all at the same time. That is an admirable trait, but it is not speaking the love language of quality time.

Physical Touch: the love language of physical touch includes everything from putting a hand on your mate's shoulder as you walk by, touching his or her leg as you're driving together, and holding hands while you're walking to kissing, embracing and sexual intercourse. If physical touch is your spouse's primary love language, nothing communicates love more clearly than for you to take the initiative to reach out and touch your mate.

To figure out your love language, take the test at :

Soooo...what is your Love Language?



You're Invited: ZAAF's Official Launch Party at Barcelona Wine Bar

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We are excited to share some great client news! You're invited to the Official Launch Event for ZAAF™, a new collection of luxury apparel and leather accessories produced by highly skilled artisans in Ethiopia. We spotlighted them about a month ago and now we are planning their launch in Washington, D.C. Each piece is made to exact standards and showcases beautiful craftsmanship and natural resources unique to the region it draws its inspiration from. ZAAF™ is a word that means “tree” in the ancient and noble Amharic language. We hope you can join us in celebrating this great new business and support bringing economic development in Ethiopia!
Event: ZAAF Official Launch Event
Date: February 2nd 2014
Time: 12:00pm-4:00pm
Place: NEW! Barcelona Wine Bar - 1622 14th St NW Washington, DC 20005
Attire: Brunch Chic 
Parking: Street Parking Available
Complimentary Cocktails & Passed Food for Guests
ZAAF Products will be on sale at the event with 20% off!
For more information:
Event Hashtag: #ZAAFLaunch
Social Media: @Zaafcollection (Instagram)

#BrideToBride: Advice from a Planner's Perspective

photo.jpeg Hey Bride!

So I know you were expecting advice from an actual Bride, and not see my single and sassy self on the front lol BUT this week I decided to do something a little different. Oh and by the way that isn’t my boo with me in the picture above, well not in real life that is lol but heeeeeeeeeeeey Jay Ellis *waves, winks* A girl can dream right lol.

I have been working for Favored by Yodit Events for about 10 months now and I have learned sooooo much. Not so much about married life, but about wedding day woes. As a planner/ coordinator you experience and see a lot of the background happenings at weddings that can be easily avoid. Check out my #BrideToBride Advice from a Planner's Perspective below.

1. Avoid your bridal party members pulling double duty as a vendor: I know your best friend/maid of honor is the only person in the world that can get your baby hairs to slick down just right, and your momma cooks mac and cheese so good it makes you want to slap HER momma. However, if they need to get ready as well as take care of another big task more than likely they are going to be late, which could in turn cause delays in the wedding. The best bet is to hire an outside vendor to do your hair, makeup, cater, etc so that everything can get the attention it needs and stay on track.

2. Don’t Skimp on the Photographer: I know Cousin Ray Ray has been taking all the pictures for the family reunions for years and he can pick a Instagram filter like its nobody’s business, but weddings are a different ballgame. A picture perfect moment happens in an instant, and when it’s gone it’s gone. You can’t redo the look on your groom’s face when he sees you walking down the aisle, or your first kiss as husband and wife, or grandma twerking on cousin Steve. A photographer that is accustomed to doing weddings, will capture the essence of your day. Don’t be afraid to ask for samples of their work and google wedding pictures that you like so that you can give them a clear vision of what you want and are expecting.

3. Plan ahead and Prepare in advance: Make a checklist of everything that needs to get done for the wedding ie Hair, nails, makeup, pick up candles, pick up dress, etc and complete as many as those tasks that you can in advance. The last thing you want to do is wake up the day of your wedding and have to worry about a manicure or stress about running to the dollar store to pick up tea candles. At the very latest, try and purchase décor items a month in advance. This may sound extreme but trust me it’s better to have those items sitting in the basement then scrambling at the last minute and stressing yourself out. Get your nails done and hair prepped the night before. It will make the morning of your big day a lot calmer.

4. Get on Pinterest: I am convinced sweet baby Jesus himself created this website. Everything you can think of can be found on this site. No matter if you are looking for decor ideas, wedding dresses, color palette inspiration or creative wedding shoots Pinterest has it! For my budget conscious brides, Pinterest has a lot of creative DIY (do-it-yourself) ideas that look amazing. So do yourself a favor and create an account. Thank me later.

5. Hire a planner or at the very least a day of coordinator: I’m not just saying this because I work for the greatest event planning company, Favored by Yodit Events. There are a million things that need to be done the day of your wedding and trust me YOU do not want to worry about any of them, nor do you want your maid of honor stalking all of your vendors to make sure they show up on time. It is your day so relax and let someone else stress about all the details. since you are already here, (inserts shameless plug *kanye shrug*) contact us for all of your wedding needs!

Congratulations on your engagement!!

Your Future Wedding planner *wink wink*,



#FavoredFr​iday | Spotlight Vendor: Fabipops Cake Pop Boutique in NY

2012-11-19 15.37.22 Fabipops is a new luxury cake pop boutique in Park Slope, New York. Unlike other cake pop shops, every cake pop is handmade and custom designed for thier clients liking - take a look at some of the images below and check out some of their celebrity work, its fantastic!

Fabipops caters to any occasion, whether its birthdays, kids parties, adult parties, weddings, communions and ect, their cake pops can be customized to match any event. Fabipops is a custom, gourmet dessert company that bakes in a Kosher kitchen which has catered to corporate, private and celebrity events, and because of consumer demand, Fabiola will now open her first store.
Fabiola, the owner of Fabipops, is a Haitian-born, and also pregnant with her second child. She started this business from scratch after the death of her newborn child - where she took a complete gamble and left her career in the financial industry to start her company.
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You're Invited: Carine’s Bridal Atelier Hosts Liancarlo Trunk Show

trunk show Luxury bridal boutique Carine’s Bridal Atelier will host a designer bridal gown trunk show at the boutique in Georgetown at 1726 Wisconsin Ave NW, 2nd Floor, Washington DC, on August 8th, 9th, and 10th.

Brides-to-be will have the wonderful opportunity to view the Liancarlo Spring 2014 collection and be guided by Carine Krawiec and her expert consultants; dedicated to making their brides-to-be dreams come true. Brides will receive a 12% discount with the purchase of a Liancarlo gown on Thursday and Friday of the trunk show and 10% discount on Saturday. Appointments are available by calling Carine’s Bridal Atelier at 202.965.4696 or by emailing an appointment request to

From August 8th to August 10th the Liancarlo Trunk Show at Carine’s Bridal Atelier will feature gowns detailed with refined elegance with a traditional yet modern twist; body-skimming silhouettes; and ethereal fabrics.

For more information, contact Carine’s Bridal Atelier by phone 202.965.4696 or email

ABOUT CARINE’S BRIDAL ATELIER: Carine’s Bridal boutique has been in the heart of Georgetown for more than 6 years and has established itself as the nation’s capital destination for the finest selection of designer wedding gowns and accessories. Carine has built personal relationships with most of her celebrity designers through the years and the boutique has earned the exclusive right to carry some of the world’s most well-known names in the bridal industry: Monique Lhuillier, Liancarlo, Marchesa, Carolina Herrera, Jenny Lee, Junko Yoshioka, Rivini, and Angel Sanchez.

Please visit to learn more.

Carine’s Bridal Atelier

1726 Wisconsin Avenue NW, 2nd floor, Washington D.C. 20007

(202) 965-4696

Sweet Inspirations for any Wedding Event


When you see M&M's typically you don't think of anything wedding related. However, Punchbowl teamed up with M&m's to inspire invitations, party decor and favors. Check out a few of Punchbowl's ideas below.

Table Decorations: To create custom table decorations for the engagement party, display personalized MY M&M’S® in tall martini glasses in the center of the table or at each place setting. Create an M&M’S® assortment in the wedding colors, and add a message or even a photo of the happy couple.

table decor

Personalized Favors: The easiest way to add a sweet personal touch to any wedding event is with personalized favors. When you order custom chocolate candies, you can send guests on their way with a delicious treat that commemorates the bridal shower. Place the chocolates in a pretty votive, tie with ribbon, add a monogram, and include a special note to guests. Each favor can be part of the place setting and guests will have a sweet reminder of this very special day.


Snacks & Sweets: Whether the bachelorette party will take place over the course of one night or an entire weekend, your guests will appreciate having snacks and sweets to nibble on during the festivities. To add class and elegance to your food table, set up a candy bar with large glass apothecary jars and metal scoops so guests can help themselves. Order personalized chocolate candies from MY M&M’S® featuring the bride’s wedding colors, a favorite saying, and even her photo! Label all the other food on the table with cute names like “Dan’s-a-Lucky-Man Dip” or “Bride-to-Be Bruschetta” to celebrate the guest of honor.

candy bar

For the full M&M's inspiration from Punchbowl click here!

Congrats to the Class of 2013!!

grad3 Congrats to all of the 2013 Graduates!!! Whether you graduated from high school, undergrad, graduate school or even pre-school, you have accomplished something great and now its time to celebrate!!! Sit back, relax and let Favored by Yodit plan you graduation party! Contact us for a FREE consultation! Until then check out some inspiration below...




Wedding Wednesday: Vendor Spotlight- @SeatingChartBtq

seating chart boutique

This week for Wedding Wednesday we wanted to give you a break from the proposals and Spotlight a Unique Wedding Vendor. Are you looking for a classy way to display your seating chart? Check out The Seating Chart Boutique.

seating chart boutique

While the seating chart seems like a minor detail, it can be the difference between a smooth or chaotic transition from cocktail hour to the reception. According to The Seating Chart Boutique's CEO, they offer their clients:

1. Over 25 standard designs that are completely customizable

2. Mounting and Framing in-house

3. Exceptional quality and service that has been backed up by a 5 star rating on Wedding Wire and the Wedding Channel

4. Fast Turnaround! Most orders are delivered within 3-5 business days

5. You can also order other wedding stationary (programs, table numbers, menus, etc...) to complete the look

The Seating Chart Boutique is a great idea and a one top shop for all of your stationary needs! Make sure you check out their website and follow them on Twitter @SeatingChartBtq !!

Wedding and Events Boutique by Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor

Still looking for the perfect dress for a wedding or other special event coming up? Try Ann Taylor! Looking for a wedding dress? Ann Taylor has that to!


Perfect for bridesmaids or as a guest. A soft look for a nice spring outdoor event.


Still need accessories? Complete your look at Ann Taylor as well.


Find a beautiful Wedding Dress without breaking the bank! Simple yet very elegant.


Stand out in this Royal Blue Dress. Perfect for an evening formal event.

For more of the Ann Taylor Wedding and Events Boutique click here!

Trending: Custom Cookies!

custom cookies

Move over gourmet cupcakes, custom cookies are the new hot desert item at events! While cakes are always a nice stable item, they are difficult to transfer and are sometimes messy. Cookies are perfect because they can be wrapped up and taken away as nice party favors.

Bakeries have taken this trend to the next level by making custom cookies available. If you can imagine the design, there is a company out there that can put it on a delicious sugar cookie. My personal favorites are company logo cookies which are great for branding, bridal cookies for showers and sport team logo cookies for viewing parties. Below are just a few companies in the greater Washington metro area that sell custom cookies:

  1. Kalorama Cookie Company
  2. The Cookie Cutter
  3. Cakes by Chris Furin
  4. Bundles of Cookies
  5. Rae Bakes

Favored by Yodit hasn’t worked with all of the companies, but I was VERY impressed with their photo galleries and decided to share. Have you worked with any of these companies or know of another custom cookie company in the area? Share with us, we would love to hear from you!

You're Invited: Broccoli City Festival


We are 9 days away from making history with the Inaugural Broccoli City Festival! Join us Sunday, April 21st as we celebrate Earthday weekend, and living a healthy more environmentally sustainable lifestyle, at Broccoli City Festival!



As the inaugural urban Earth Day celebration taking place at the DC Fairgrounds, BC Fest promises to become the premiere annual event showcasing cool, sustainable lifestyle choices for residents of the Washington, D.C. metro area. This fun-filled event, hosted by Va$htie and Rock Creek Social Club, will feature:

Live performances by locally and nationally recognized Hip Hop, EDM, Alternative Bands, including headliners Big Krit, JMSN, and Tittsworth

  • Nutritional food demonstrations and vendors, including DC’s top healthy food trucks

  • Group Yoga and Fitness instruction (Hip Hop, Vinyasa, Power and Restorative Yoga)

  • Oversized games including Twister, Jenga, Checkers, etc.

  • Nutrition and environmental education provided by local organizations

  • Onsite acupuncture and massage wellness center

  • Pop-up marketplace with environmentally conscious vendors and shops

  • Live art from notable street artists

  • Sneaker recycling/upcycling center by Suite Nation

  • Craft Beer & Spirits available, featuring USDA organic juices for adults 21+



As the Earth Day event debuts in Washington, D.C. this year, organizers anticipate ample opportunities to engage and educate a crowd of more than 4,000 members of the urban community on strategies that lead toward living a more environmentally conscious and healthy lifestyle. The inaugural festival, taking place at the DC Fairgrounds, promises to become the premiere annual event showcasing what it looks like to “go green” in an urban environment.

“Washington, D.C. is already making great strides on the forefront of the green movement,” said Founder Brandon McEachern. “However, there are large pockets of areas, specifically in parts of Southeast and Northeast D.C., that still lack local, affordable and healthy food options or access to them. We are here to echo the message of sustainable living throughout the entire city.”

Prior to the BC Fest, the team will work alongside Green Scheme and Dreaming Out Loud to increase access to healthy, affordable food within underprivileged neighborhoods with an Earthday of Action on Saturday, April 20th. "We are helping build urban farms and markets in food deserts to create oases of healthy food," said Darryl Perkins, Director of Community Engagement. "Not only are we talking about raising awareness, we are on the ground working.”

Broccoli City Organic Lifestyle, a health and wellness national media platform, established the BC Fest to maximize the impact of their commitment to overcoming the barriers associated with affordable and healthy food options or access in urban areas. Residents in urban communities, particularly minorities, experience disproportionately higher rates of preventable disease; most of which can be averted by maintaining a healthy weight and keeping up with a healthy diet.

“We want to encourage more dialogue about building healthy communities, and hope to promote the economic growth potential in urban farming,” said Co-Founder Marcus Allen. “We are giving all people a chance to hear, experience or taste something that many have not been able to easily access before.”

The BC Fest will commence rain or shine in an innovative, open-air, mixed-use entertainment destination. Tickets, which can be purchased online for a reduced rate and on site, will grant access to the festival. Learn more about the festival and how to adopt a healthier lifestyle to share with their community by visiting

BC Fest Flyer